MRV Communications

Senior Engineer
January 2005 – December 2009

Used Java Swing to develop the Graphical User Interface used to configure and administer the LX series of terminal servers.

Used C to develop the server running on the embedded Linux platform of the LX terminal server, which the GUI communicated with to read and write configuration information.

Redesigned the client-server architecture used by the Graphical User Interface to LX device, to make it more general and flexible,for use in creating similar interfaces for other MRV devices. Developed a new GUI for the Media Cross Connect device, using the redesigned architecture. Delivered GUI code to the Media Cross Connect group, trained them in how to use and extend it, and provided mentoring for their team.

Used Java SE and Java Swing to develop ProVision, a next generation Network Management System built on top of the AdventNet WebNMS platform. Used Hibernate to model and persist the system. Wrote proof-of-concept prototypes to expose ProVision features via CORBA and SOAP.